Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories
SHOP4CF aims to find the right balance between cost-effective automation, repetitive tasks and involve the human workers in areas such adaptability, creativity and agility, where they create the biggest added value. Also to pursue the highly connected factory model to reap the benefits of all data generated within the factory and improve processes. This will be supported by the development of a platform on an open architecture that can support humans in production activities and provide basic implementation as a free, open source solution. It will rely on pilots (4 Large pilots and 30 more participating through open calls) acting as the testing facilities and seeds for adoption of the platform. Thanks to this piloting effort, SHOP4CF aims to widely disseminate the services to Manufacturing SMES all over Europe to identify cross-border Human Factor at European level.
LST is leading the coordination with other actions task, stablishing collaboration with other platforms and initiatives, specially the DIH. In addition, LST research groups leads the development of several components related to the interoperability through Web of Things and contributing the creative human-robot process faceting tools to booth this process. LST also coordinates de pilot validation.