Cecilia Vera Muñoz

Cecilia Vera Muñoz is Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and M.Sc. Telecommunication Engineer by the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). She is an expert in the management and technical development of Scientific & Technical Projects dealing with ICT applied to the social and healthcare sector. Her areas of expertise include personal health systems, Human Computer Interaction, user centred design, intelligent interfaces, user experience, usability and evaluation of ICT-based systems, mobile apps design, ambient intelligence and AAL.

She has collaborated in several R&D international and national funded projects both in the areas of e-Health and e-Inclusion. She has recently leaded the Patient System development and validation for cardiovascular disease management within the R&D funded project HeartCycle (FP7), where UPM has developed a complete patient‘s system for patients with cardiovascular diseases, including a coaching and motivation strategy as part of an intervention program for the promotion of healthy lifestyle and disease management. She is currently a member of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy ageing (EIPonAHA) initiative where she participates as coordinator of the synergies working group on Patient and Citizen Empowerment across the 6 actions groups, and co-coordinator of Patient&User activities within Action Group B3 Integrated Care.

She is the author of several scientific papers in national and international journals, and she has participated in numerous conferences and workshops for dissemination of projects results.
