Dr. Patricia Abril-Jimenez is M.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering and PhD. in Bioengineering from the Telecommunication Engineering Faculty at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
She started her professional career at LifeSTech in 2008 as a research assistant and later a researcher on ICT applied to the social and healthcare sector until 2013. After a 3 years period working for robotic related private companies, she joined the group again in 2016 as senior researcher, where she has worked on new technologies application for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) strategies, including the early detection of aging related functional decline symptoms.
Her areas of expertise include personal health systems, Human Computer Interaction, user centred design, intelligent interfaces, user experience, usability and evaluation of ICT-based systems, mobile apps design, ambient intelligence and AAL. She has collaborated in several R&D projects that deal with information and communication technologies (ICT), robotics and IoT applied to the social and care sector. She is author of several articles published in national and international technical journals.
Current projects: ACTIVAGE, AGEING@WORK, Better@Home, GATEKEEPER and Shop4CF