Trace & Trust Hubs for MED food
MED Food TTHubs is a PRIMA project (under Grant Agreement No 1931) that seeks to support the implementation of full-path tracing practices through the whole distribution channel from seed to shelf in order to achieve safer and more sustainable Mediterranean food products. Aiming to implement full transparency concerning the traceability and authenticity in the food supply sector, MED Food TTHubs taps into cutting edge technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and builds on standardised approaches to food production processes and location identification, transparent monitoring procedures and innovative business partnerships.
MED Food TTHubs promotes documented traceability of the whole “seed-to-shelf” food supply chain, through proofs of authenticity for final products and ingredients, including also detailed information on their nutritional profile. To this end, our underlying concept is simple: Establish seven Trace & Trust Hubs (T-T Hubs) bringing together various actors from service providers to end-users and consumers, aiming at providing transparency and trust throughout the whole supply chain.
Our goals
In MED Food TTHubs we have high expectations aiming to provide access to safer and more sustainable Mediterranean food products for people around the world. Ultimately, we want to support full transparency concerning the traceability and authenticity of these products towards the creation of an end-to-end trust-chain in the food sector.
MED Food TTHubs therefore aims to:
- Demonstrate the potential and applicability of full-path tracing practices throughout the whole food supply chain
- Empower food industry to address both food security and food origin challenges
- Contribute to the implementation of quality and authentication certificates for raw materials
- Improve markets and consumers’ confidence and trust in food industry transparency
- Support the operation of a permanent transnational network playing the role of one-stop-shop for traceability and authenticity for Mediterranean food products
Pilot Sites
Seven product cases with diverse characteristics and nutritional profiles have been selected to pilot test MED Food TTHubs approach in seven Mediterranean countries. These pilot case scenarios represent the real test field for designing and implementing the business processes for providing added-value services concerning the traceability and authenticity control through one-stop-shop units.