VIrtual healTh And weLlbeing Living Lab InftraStructurE

VITALISE aims to put in place the winning conditions for researchers and communities, fostering innovative, person-centered research by creating a Health and Wellbeing Living Lab ecosystem. VITALISE opens up Living Lab Infrastructures as a means to facilitate and promote research activities in the Health and Wellbeing domain in Europe and beyond by enabling in-person Transnational Access to 17 Living Lab research infrastructures and by supporting remote digital access to datasets.

The majority of the existing Living Labs across Europe are interconnected in VITALISE in order to cover all the European geographical areas and all the spectrum of the Health and Wellbeing domain, creating a large thematic Living Lab ecosystem of virtually interconnected research infrastructures which will be made available to a wider research community. VITALISE will design and develop ICT tools for shared access of similar devices and applications used across Living Labs, as well as for collecting, storing and sharing datasets. VITALISE will enhance closer interaction between multidisciplinary researchers through the Joint Research Activities (JRAs), Transnational Physical and Virtual Access.

JRAs are designed in a way that can combine and capitalize on research experience and expertise from different Living Labs and create innovation testbeds for three different domains in Living Lab Health and Wellbeing research:

  • Rehabilitation. It aims to create easy to use technological intervention for rehabilitation and compare it with innovative short-arm centrifuge rehabilitation. Also, VITALISE aims to create a dual task reference database for rehabilitation evaluation.
  • Transitional care. This will study the transit needs of patients. The collected data, coming from ICT monitoring and intervention tools, will be analyzed and fused in order to provide higher level interpretable information to healthcare professionals and support their decision for the course of care.
  • Everyday living environments will focus on the collection of big data from everyday living activities inside and outside home in order to create dynamic personas that are natively multidimensional and will be used for personalization of care.