Gloria Cea

Gloria Cea (F) received the B.S. in Telecommunications Engineering and the M.Sc. degree in Telemedicine and Biomedical engineering from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain, in 2011

She works as research engineer at Life Supporting Technologies group at UPM. Her first research line was the use of wearable technologies and mobile applications development for motivation, monitoring and guiding during the exercise practice. She has worked in several funded R&D projects, among them, an innovation action project that allow children to use a non-leisure gaming toolkit to develop inclusive digital games on mobile devices, with the aim of enhancing their abilities across all academic subjects, as well as their computational proficiency, creativity and social skills.

Her main research area is the use of ICT applied to promote a healthy lifestyle. She has collaborated with a clinic dedicated to combating obesity, in the creation of a system to ensure a complete wellbeing by means of nutrition, physical activity and mindfulness that includes gamification techniques. Her present research activity is focused on two fields through IoT based solutions and services: Active and Healthy Aging to prolong and support the independent living of older adults in their living environments & prevention and improvement of the childhood obesity by adopting healthy habits. She has a wealth of experience on user interaction, UI, UX and Usability.

Current projects: GATEKEEPER (H2020-857223), Med Food TT Hubs (PRIMA-1931), VITALISE (H2020-101007990)