José Javier Serrano Olmedo

José Javier Serrano Olmedo got his degree in Telecommunication Engineering in 1990 and his PhD. in Telecommunication Engineering in 1996 at the Engineering School on Telecommunication (Technical University of Madrid). He is Associate Professor since 1998 at the Technical University of Madrid. As docent he teaches on Clinical Engineering, Electronic Instrumentation, Bioinstrumentation, Biosensors, Clinical Engineering and Computer-Human Interfaces. He has been supervisor of more than ten PhDs.

As researcher he is member of the Life Supporting Technology Group, director of the Laboratory for Bioinstrumentation and Nanomedicine at the Center for Biomedical Technology (Technical University of Madrid) and also member of Networking Center for Biomedical Research on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedine (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain). He has experience in semiconductor materials technology and electronic technology for electronic instrumentation and sensor development and networking. Actually he is more interested in technologies for nanomedicine, mainly using nanoparticles, the development of gravimetric biosensors and electromedicine systems, and accessible and assistive technologies based on serious games, virtual and augmented reality technology (

He has published more than one hundred papers including articles and conference contributions, and participated in more than thirty research project ( He has four patents and is running three companies of technology base.