Once she finished her degree studies, she spent two years working in the consultancy sector. In 2015 she started a Master's Degree on Biomedical Engineering in collaboration with the Life Supporting Technologies (LST) group, defining and designing an analysis tool for cancer data, within the context of BD2Decide, a European project that aims to improve treatment for head and neck cancer patients by applying Big Data techniques. Later on, she started her Ph.D. on the definition, design and implementation of a framework to support the adoption of the different data analysis techniques in head and neck cancer research, successfully defended in 2022.
Since 2016 she works as a full-time researcher at LST. Besides her contribution to the BD2Decide project, she has collaborated to a study on cross-border digital healthcare in the EU under the SANTE/2020/B3/006 proposal, and on an ISO development under the ISO/TC 276/WG 5 program. Currently, she is the operational technical manager in the BD4QoL H2020 project, which aims to improve HNC survivors’ quality of life by developing a person-centred monitoring and follow-up plan. She also provides technical support for the pilot study of the FAITH-H2020 project (a Federated Artificial Intelligence solution for moniToring mental Health status after cancer treatment) and is a member of the technical management team in the Horizon Europe project IDEA4RC (Intelligent Ecosystem to improve the governance, the sharing and the re-use of health Data for Rare Cancers). Moreover, she collaborates in other research projects: CAPABLE-H2020 (CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience), SuPerTreat-EraPerMed (Supporting Personalized Treatment Decisions in Head and Neck Cancer through Big Data) and GATEKEEPER H2020 project (Smart data driving solutions for personalized early risk detection and intervention).