Smart House
Living Lab

The Smart House Living Lab is part of the “Center for Experimental Research in Applications and Ambient Intelligence” (CIAmI), the project’s mission is the development of Ambient Intelligence and all aspects related to prevention, care and promotion of health and well-being, social inclusion and independent life...

Smart House

Virtual Reality Room

The Advanced Multimodal Interaction in Virtual Reality in the VR room, contains a display system that allows interaction in immersive three dimensional graphics presented in high quality and in real time. The system presents the option of an LSHAPED projection, consisting of a dual projection system, front, and in floor or through a Head Mounted Display (HMD) with...

CIAmI project was partially funded by Plan Avanza (Information Society, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade) (Ref. 100000-2007-397).
CIAmI is part of the Campus de Excelencia Internacional Moncloa.
The Virtual Reality system installed at the Smart House Living Lab has been funded by the Moncloa Campus of International Excellence.